Guber Mente 2020
Bioweapons That Kill Healthy Plants and thus, Our Ability to Grow our Own Food

Bioweapons That Kill Healthy Plants and thus, Our Ability to Grow our Own Food

Every base is covered in this global genocide. Is there any such thing as Organic ?

Clint is joined once again by Patrick Jordan from –

They discuss why buying Heirloom Seeds is pointless! The Corporations have introduced a mold that is killing healthy plants with wet root mold, a cotton like fungus that makes growing Your own food, pointless!

As Patrick’s group found out with Clint’s patent knowledge, The Monsanto’s of the World were preparing for this back in the mid 1990’s, by producing GMO seeds that can resist the mold.

Guber Mente 2020
You either see it or you do not see it. You must unlearn what you have learned.
The wealthy sociopathic elite own and control governments worldwide. They
are behind the now obvious transformation of the world disguised as a public
health emergency followed up by this now scripted war that will affect the entire
world in some way or another.