Guber Mente 2020
Mr. Jones & The Curb Stomp Money Bomb (listen at 1x)

Mr. Jones & The Curb Stomp Money Bomb (listen at 1x)

Just having a bit of fun and a message from Jesse V. If you unsubscribe over this then you are part of the problem.

Been listening to him for many years. He has been fighting the Globulists all this time.

For a limited time, you can get super toe stub lotion and complete facial reconstruction in a 16 oz bottle. Don’t wait. You cannot be without these.

Get your Bilderberger Burger to satisfy the burger lust that we all have.

Learn about the weaponization of the beasts of prey, and the secret compartment in their robotic bellies.

Learn how battery acid will be used in the most horrific ways.

You are not safe on the toilet or the shower from these creatures.

Magic water from deep in the earth that is blessed by a trifecta of the benevolent.

From weaponized mosquitos to serial killer ticks, oh the humanity.

The only way we fail is if you don’t empty your wallets for this.

Brush your teeth with God.

Get your Life Straw to filter out and drink the most toxic substances to survive in the coming years.

Guber Mente 2020
You either see it or you do not see it. You must unlearn what you have learned.
The wealthy sociopathic elite own and control governments worldwide. They
are behind the now obvious transformation of the world disguised as a public
health emergency followed up by this now scripted war that will affect the entire
world in some way or another.