Sitemap - 2024 - psyop4awareness

Walking the DeviLs Dog & Sucking the DeviLs _______! / Breathing Life into the LIE (listen at 1.25x)

Purposeful Blaspheming in Movies, Television and Life

Triumphant Plutocracy: The Story of American Public Life

Sunday Propaganda Alert / Alex and Howard Talk at 48 min / listen at 1.25x

The FISA thing makes sense when we know what our status is in THEIR construct. Listen at 1.25x

Narratives for Numbskulls and Stories for the Stupid - Opill and Who Armed the Gangs in Haiti? March Madness looming and violence at Spring Break etc. (1.25x is best)

Mr. Jones & The Curb Stomp Money Bomb (listen at 1x)

The Revelations re: Barry Dunham aka Obama have many talking but there is much more

Dumb and Dumber

Satan's Shit Stain, aka Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Bloodline Family Members and the Global Movie Script

Global News w/ commentary on 1/29/24

Does Mr. Rogers know that he is exposing killers and genocide on a major platform?

Holiday Heart Syndrome: What is it and how can you prevent it. Just imagine the control that can push this shit

Germany was ruled by worse than Hitler after the war and still is, as is most of their world

911 blueprint rolled out in the middle east

Carlson talks w/ Brett Weinstein about the global pan-poisoning and what was learned

More from Paul Craig Roberts

Invasion disguised as humanitarianism

A World of Cowards afraid to speak the Truth and the Fear of being canceled.

This entire system has thrived by making commoner subjects believe that voting gives them a voice and is their civil duty

Co-intel-pro: Climate Change is making snakes bite more